Friday, September 24, 2010

Summery of my book so far.....

                       As I mentioned before the book I chose for my research paper is entitled, "You Just Don't Understand: Women and Men in Conversation" written by Deborah Tannen. In the beginning of this book the author speaks about how in her past relationship there was a sense of miscommunication and this miscommunication seemed to be affected by the language used where her ex husband was raised. Since he was from a small town that suggested that women are inferior to men, when the author would raise her voice to make him understand what she's trying to point out to him he took it as her trying to overpower him by raising her voice.The author then relates to how the way we choose to use language varies in gender. Tannen refers to studies of couples, children and teenagers of different ages to point out that by the words men use and the way they use them to approach situations suggest that they don't want to seem inferior and use a tough guy approach. Whereas women seem to not be as focused in being superior but react more emotional when dealing with situations. According to Tannen, men and women don't seem to be on the same page when they are in a conversation because men use words that can be offensive to women and vice versa. The book seems very interesting so far and I can relate it to many people I know especially couples who can't seem to compromise because they each understand things in different ways in which can be hurtful,confusing, and upsetting. I can also relate this book to my life because as a female I always hear stories about girls in relationships that are unhappy and don't understand why the other person in the relationship acts the way they do and says things that seem hurtful or insensitive but in reality the guy is probably trying to say all the right things in all the wrong ways. This is why women always think guys just don't understand.


  1. hi Sasha,
    I actually was goint to select this book just for the sake of trying to find out how the opposite sex works. it is true, and funny sometimes, how we women tend to think that guys just don't understand where as it may be the case that they do understand but may not be able to communicate it to us properly. i think it's fairly obvious that men and women have different communication styles. i t will be interesting to see exactly how they differ.

  2. Hello Sasha, I totally agree with Deborah Tannen. I grew up without a masculine figure as a model. Thus, I got my first language from my mother and aunts. I realized how different were my speaking and thoughts when I started to interact with men. When I was in high school I had problems with my classmates (men) because they looked very rude to me. Moreover I could not understand them. It is also true that women are more emotional than men.
